Home Plastic Surgery Karen Pence’s Plastic Surgery – The Real Truth!
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Karen Pence’s Plastic Surgery – The Real Truth!

Karen Pence before and after plastic surgery.

Grab all the details of Karen Pence’s supposed plastic surgery procedures.

Born on 1st January 1957, Karen Sue Pence (née Batten, formerly Whitaker) is an American schoolteacher and painter. She currently serves as the second lady of the United States.

Karen exchanged vows with Mike Pence, the 48th and current vice president of the United States. Previously, from 14th January 2013 to 9th January 2017, she was the First Lady of Indiana.

Recently, fans can’t help but notice Karen Pence’s unnatural appearance. Did she actually perform plastic surgery? Let’s find out.

Has Karen Pence Undergone Plastic Surgery?

Karen Pence is now the subject of plastic surgery rumors on the internet. Did she genuinely get under the knife? There’s just one way to come to a conclusion.

We compared Karen’s new photos with the way she looked in the past. After examining closely, she definitely looks like she’s had plastic surgery. It is not easy, however, to point out the precise operations.

Judging by her unnatural features, though, it seems quite clear she has meddled in plastic surgery to alter her looks.

Karen most likely went for Botox injections to look younger even at the age of 63. In addition, she appears to have undergone a facelift surgery to come to her present appearance.

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Having said all this, we have to admit we can not assure the exact plastic surgery practices the Second Lady of the United States opted for unless she opens up on this subject.

So, right now, it’s going to stay pure speculation, even though we’re pretty positive about Botox and facelift. However, the rest of the plastic surgery procedures looks to be a mystery at this point.

Karen Pence Has Been Going For Total Makeover

Discreetly, almost ponderously, Karen Pence began to change. Her bob and straight-cross bangs grew out in favor of long hair. Her business-casual clothes have been traded for elegant trousers and chic dresses.

The transition was slight, but it didn’t go unnoticed. In a video uploaded to her daughter Charlotte Pence‘s Instagram profile in October 2019, Pence appeared in a double-brown dress with gold trim and a stitched belt.

One commenter wrote,

Mrs. Pence, I love how you’ve updated your look.

The second added,

Mrs. Pence looks SO amazing. You can tell that she lost weight.

A Pence family member said,

She really has had a total makeover, she looks great. She looks like she’s happy, she radiates confidence.

A veteran Republican agent near the Trump White House said he didn’t note the transformation when the topic was brought up, but on further reviews stated it seemed like she was gearing up for the position of the first lady in the future.

She had kind of a subdued country presence before, now she has more of a stateswoman look.

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Pence’s spokesperson, Kara Brooks, rejected requests for interviews, and other Pence advisers, who strongly defended Pence, refused to speak about her new portrait.

But Indiana Republicans, who have followed Pences for decades, say it’s all part of their long game to take over the White House, perhaps in 2024—a matter of increasing rumors as Mike Pence leads more promotional-style journeys to frontline states, including a road trip of Michigan recently.

One of Trump’s long-time advisors said Pence’s White House run begins the day after the 2020 election.

Pence is Expected To Gear Up For White House Campaign

From the beginning, Karen was a surprise to Donald Trump‘s campaign and administration — a possibly lethal mystery, Trumpworld’s sources stated.

Her alleged righteous indignation at Trump in October 2016, when the Washington Post released the Access Hollywood footage, seemingly confirmed she wasn’t completely on board.

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On election night, after learning that Trump had prevailed, Karen had twice turned down Mike’s kisses.

Once within the administration, Karen remained pretty low-key, several sources said, focusing on favorite topics such as art therapy and relief for the families of active service members and veterans.

That wouldn’t be unusual in a regular administration, but Trump needs total commitment, and Karen’s isolation confirms the impression among some Trump advisors she wasn’t on their side.

Trumpworld’s position as a non-official chief strategist and benefactor to the vice president was especially risky.

Trump’s aides steadily managed to pick up what Indiana politicians had known for quite some time: there was only a single person in Mike’s close circle, and that she could greatly affect an idea, multiple sources claimed.

Meanwhile, the Pences made adjustments back in D.C., this time in the spotlight. (Their first 12 years in Washington were spent in a small haven in Arlington, Virginia, where their three school-aged kids were brought up.)

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When beltway power-watchers spoke about the incongruity between the former-model first lady and the Midwestern mom, Pences got comfortable with it — till the King and Queen of Jordan made a visit in June 2018.

Mike took to Twitter to share perfunctory images of their encounter with King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, and the internet trolls sniffed Karen over her attire: her suit was too short, they said, and it was outrageous to see an older lady bare her shoulders.

Pence’s isolated world of advisers replied in private with justified outrage, then publicly let it slip, offering the impression that scarcely faded them. At the point, none other than the Vanity Fair had come to Karen’s defense.

Erika Harwood wrote,

There are many things worthy of critique when it comes to the Second Family and the current administration, fashion choices included.

Linking to an article about the vice president’s alleged racism, she added:

A woman over 60 showing her shoulders, many may be surprised to learn, is not one of them.

Internally, though, the incident was a tipping point, sources said. When she fled from Indiana, her dress was close to what an ordinary woman would pick up in a shopping mall.

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Now, she’s indulging in fashionable clothes more in line with Washington’s buttoned-up look, and she’s keeping busy on a daily sprint.

What Next for Karen Pence?

Some Indiana lawmakers speculated it’s better for Karen to reflect on herself as a second lady when she was the first lady in Indiana; she’s no longer cooking dinner, and her kids have largely reached adulthood, leaving her more personal time.

But other analysts observed she would be under stress to describe herself to the public if her spouse plans to run for president in 2024, and the constant distraction of Trump’s disturbance offered the perfect smokescreen to launch the operation.

On 21st September, Karen – who is the subject of weight loss – launched a new Twitter account and a video clip that said she was able to stand squarely behind Trump in his re-election campaign.

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Here, her latest look was stunning: an elegant black dress and pearls, thus making a strong message to the audience to vote for Trump.

The step had the impact of suppressing divisive factions in the White House, who worried that while Mike might chuckle at Trump’s potty mouth and philandering, Karen would always come off as a “scold,” a Washington Republican observed.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump had been experimenting around the possibility of replacing Mike on the ticket for a couple of months.

A few days later, however, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared a formal criminal probe into Trump, and instantly the talk into eliminating Pence from the ticket appeared not only insignificant but maybe even suicidal, with Congressional investigators going down.

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