Home Plastic Surgery Real Truth About Candice DeLong’s Plastic Surgery Procedures – Botox & Facelift?
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Real Truth About Candice DeLong’s Plastic Surgery Procedures – Botox & Facelift?

Real Truth About Candice DeLong's Plastic Surgery Procedures - Botox & Facelift?

All the facts behind Candice DeLong’s multiple plastic surgery procedures, most notably Botox and facelift surgery. Take a glance at her before and after changes.

Born on 16th July 1950, Candice DeLong is an ex-FBI criminal profiler. On the Unabomber case in San Francisco, California, she was the lead profiler.

DeLong is presently the anchor of Discovery Channel’s true-life crime documentary Deadly Women and a special documentary Facing Evil with Candice DeLong.

Lately, though, Candice DeLong is making rounds for different reasons. Has she made cosmetic enhancements? Did she botch her plastic surgery? Let’s find out.

Candice DeLong’s Plastic Surgery – How Many Times Has She Gone Under the Knife?

Candice DeLong before and after plastic surgery.

Candice DeLong before and after plastic surgery.
Image Source: Reddit

It goes without saying Candice DeLong had some work done on her face. Most fans love her cynicism ever since they began watching Discovery Channel’s true-life crime documentary-style television series Deadly Women.

Unlike her immensely successful professional endeavors, the same can’t be said for her personal efforts, particularly plastic surgery. In the most recent post-surgery pictures, DeLong appears like she pulled a little too tight for sure.

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One fan claimed,

I love her show! I think she probably got a face lift, maybe pulled a little too tight. But this is definitely not the worst or near the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

Another concurred,

I love her show too! And I think she is adorable either way bc of her personality. It’s sad to see an intelligent woman try to fit into the typical Hollywood mentality of never aging.

In her latest looks, Candice is bantered on Reddit for resembling “Sharon Osbourne mixed with Kris Jenner” and the “Ken Doll” guy carrying a sort of gender ambiguity.

Fans have been following Deadly Women‘s steady evolution for years. Many feel she’s incredible and she didn’t need to go under the knife for plastic surgery. Regardless, she still slays, even if she’s a touch overstuffed and tightened in the wrong spots, possibly due to Botox and facelift.

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On the other hand, the fact that her appearance is getting more and more plastic every year, it’s not too harsh to suggest whatever she’s doing, she needs to stop ASAP. This is making her age like a “botched puppet” rather than aging gracefully.

One user on the Internet said,

She was stunning. I know the after isn’t “drastic” but it’s really uncomfortable to watch.

Needless to say, fans adore her, but they began to notice her face becoming frightening a few years ago. Some claimed to be flabbergasted by the fact that she was so intelligent, and yet ended up messing up her face.

In contrast, there are also fans who believe she looks wonderful for her age, but she ought to slow down or stop. It’s as though she’s trying not to age at all.

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It’s okay to look a little older because if she doesn’t get rid of her obsession with plastic surgery, her brows will ultimately reach the top of her head. Viewers reckon she better stop before she takes it too far.

Candice DeLong Previously Shared Lessons from Her FBI Career

On October 14, 2015, FBI Agent Candice DeLong attended Meredith College and recounted anecdotes from her work as an FBI special agent. She talked to criminology students at Meredith, led a safety training, and gave a public presentation.

DeLong discussed some of the milestones of her FBI career. She began her job as a nurse because the life she had was not the life she intended. She desired to understand more about the prisoners in her care while serving as a nurse in a max security facility.

DeLong said,

I wanted to know how they thought and how they behaved so I would be better prepared if I ever found myself in a dangerous situation. Little did I know I was preparing myself for a career in the FBI.

DeLong played a crucial role in some of the FBI’s most riveting and unforgettable cases, notably the Tylenol killings, which she said transformed the way they live their daily lives by motivating pharmaceutical firms to utilize tamper-proof containers.

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DeLong highlighted the Tylenol case and her expertise as one of three agents who carried out the pursuit for Unabomber Ted Kaczynski in Montana at her discussion at Meredith. As per DeLong, students who want to work in this industry should concentrate on their communication abilities.

DeLong said,

You need strong verbal skills – you have to be able to interview – and you need to strengthen your ability to listen and observe. Read everything you can related to your field, listen to [experienced officers] and learn from them.

DeLong served as the FBI’s San Francisco Division’s senior analyst until she retired in 2000. She was a part of the California Child Abduction Task Force and functioned as a liaison to the Bureau’s world-renowned Behavioral Science Unit in Quantico.

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